Dear Dr. Betty,
My energy level has been low lately. I went to my M.D. to get a physical to make sure there isn’t anything wrong with me. She ordered blood tests for thyroid and other common issues that 58-year-old women encounter and found nothing to be concerned about. In fact, she said I was very healthy. She even had me answer questions on an anxiety and depression scale to be sure I wasn’t falling into a depression. I did fine on that assessment too. I eat well, walk about ½ hour a day and I am not overweight. Do you have some ideas on how I can improve my energy? My doctor said I might be suffering from stress. I just want to feel more lively and alert, not so blah and fuzzy.
Tired in Toledo
Dear Tired,
You didn’t mention if you are getting enough sleep. Since you name it as a problem, I am assuming that you are getting between 7-8 hours a night. Deep sleep is key to revitalizing your system.
Many people complain that they have lost their spark and vitality and are not sure what to do. Low energy can affect memory, temper, as well as the ability to focus and make decisions. These problems have become universal as our fast- paced, multitasking world gets smaller and societal problems become more extensive and even explosive.
How energetic we feel it a key determinate in how happy, healthy and creative we can be. Research has shown us many ways we can increase our energy levels and therefore feel lively more often. I will share some easy to use ideas with you to help you relax and tap into natural energy states.
There are several kinds of energy that will enhance well-being. Sometimes we need to relax and find a sense of peace and calm. At other times we seek a more active type of stamina and perseverance. This active kind of energy gives you inner strength and helps to overcome adverse experiences. Another type of energy is love energy. This energy ignites our passion for our work, friends, family and causes. It helps us to be committed to that which we value, feel trust in those we love and passionate about improving life.
To increase relaxed energy and improve our response to everyday pressures, it helps to take small breaks during the day. Taking short (one – five minutes) time outs will reduce tension and increase immune function.
1. Take a moment to scrunch your shoulders up to your ears and hold them and then let go. Rotate your neck.
2. Stand up for a moment and touch your toes, then stretch for the sky.
3. Slow things down. If you notice yourself rushing
around, take a moment and stand still and notice where you are. Look at
something interesting or beautiful.
4. Eat mindfully. Take a moment to use your five senses to
enjoy your food, noticing the color, smell, texture and great flavors
of your food.
5. Breathe deeply five times.
6. Step into natural sunlight several times a day.
7. Think of fun times that you are looking forward to or have recently enjoyed.
Jack Johnson has a lovely song entitled: “Wake Up Slow”. If we take a few moments in the morning to loosen up our bodies by doing a few stretches before jumping out of bed and thinking of the positive aspects of the day ahead, it sets the tone for a much calmer day.
To build up more active energy it is important to actually do
something, to keep our bodies in motion. More than half of all
Americans remain sedentary for most of the day. Becoming more
movement oriented improves moods, alertness and increases stamina.
1. Start the day with a short walk before breakfast to get your metabolism going and make it a habit.
2. Take frequent 30 second–one minute breaks during the day to be more focused and effective.
3. When using a computer or doing close work, be sure to shift your gaze to avoid eyestrain.
4. Sip cool or cold water through out the day.
5. Take a five–fifteen minute break midmorning, at lunch, mid
afternoon and after dinner. Breaks restore energy and provide an
opportunity to share with others.
6. Step outside your office or home for a few minutes.
7. If you can’t get away, close your eyes and visualize yourself in an outdoor environment.
8. Do some isometric exercises, especially in your abdominal region.
9. Take the stairs.
10 Park your car further than usual from the office or store.
11. Instead of planning lunch dates, plan walk dates.
12. Get up from the T.V. and gaze at the moon
13. Stand up while working on your lap top, or talking on the phone.
14. Breathe fresh air.
15. Do something fun when you get home. Give a hug.
Tell a joke or share a cartoon. Play with the dog, pick or notice
flowers or veggies, put on comfy clothes. Rock in a rocking chair, get
or give a mini- massage.
One of my friends starts her day by weeding or tending her
garden for 10 -20 minutes every morning and then again at the end of
the day.
Love Energy is the ultimate way to refuel and nourish you. Feeling love for someone, something or a cause is a powerful way to increase your motivation and deepens contentment in life.
Being in love, gives you drive and increases meaning, joy and gratitude for life. Many people lead a halfhearted life and loose touch with the strong energy field that is within us that builds character, courage and vision for a better tomorrow. Our world sorely needs people who care and are loving to overcome the frantic, scattered cynical and sometimes hateful societies we have become.
Ways to increase loving energy are:
1. Ask yourself, what brings you joy? Do more of that.
2. Share your gifts and talents with others.
3. Practice random acts of kindness.
4. Listen whole-heartedly to family, friends and coworkers.
Excuse yourself if you need to answer your phone, turn off the T.V. or
talk radio when a conversation is taking place.
5. Look people in the eye when you are
communicating. Skype is a great way to do this when you can’t meet
person to person.
6. Validate others feelings but don’t feel compelled to fix
their problems. Often the most loving thing to do is to
brainstorm ideas to help problem solve and then encourage them to carry
7. Hold your criticism and the natural tendency we all
have to find fault. Words can hurt very deeply. Look for
the most constructive solution so that mutual understanding is reached.
8. Acknowledge difficulties but look for the positive within every situation.
9. Show appreciation, affection and gratitude. Even small compliments have a remarkable effect.
10. Touch gently.
11. Write down heartfelt feelings and share them in cards and letters.
My friend Betsy Burroughs, wrote the book: “Focus – the Catalyst for Creativity in Your Work and in Your Life.” She reminds us to notice even the smallest positive surprises that happen to us everyday. She calls them BLUES. Betsy has taught me to scan my environment for those out to the blue experiences. Now I enjoy sharing what I have found with family and friends. Its fun, relaxing and I feel much more in love with the wonder and good fortunes in my life. Knowing that I will be looking for BLUES each day makes for a great way to boost my energy for the whole day.
I hope these ideas will get you started thinking about your own energy boosters. Ask yourself what are ways that you can increase your relaxed, active and love energies. Let me know how it goes.
Dr. Betty